谢谢haha网友前段时间寄来《Science》上一篇文章,介绍Antony Valentini的一本新书和这本书中的观点。
由于看不到书,无法对Valentini观点作出判断。从文章看,Imperial College的Valentini继承了de Broglie的导波理论,并且认为现在物质的量子行为是宇宙在早期达到量子平衡导致的。
我觉得Valentini的理论看上去有些像Stochastic quantization,但不能肯定。虽然没看到他的理论的细节,我觉得正确的可能性不大。
为了不让这篇博文显得太短,我再推荐Tommaso Dorigo的一篇博文:
Large Extra Dimensions At Reach Next Year!
A new public document has been made available on the CMS public web page yesterday morning. It reports on a study of the reach of the CMS detector, with data collectable in 2010, for a signal of large extra dimensions, using the very distinctive signature of a high-energy jet recoiling against -well, recoiling against nothing; or better, something which left our world and entered into another dimension of space.I expect many of you may have already started wondering what the heck I am talking about, so please allow me give you a little background. In 1998 three prominent theorists -Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali- put forth a hypothesis of the existence of large spatial extra-dimensions -where “large” means large on a microscopic scale, but still undetectable in everyday life. Their idea was that if extra dimensions existed beyond the three spatial ones we feel we live in, a few problems of our current understanding of subnuclear physics could be solved.