1、Entropic cosmology: a unified model of inflation and late-time acceleration
Holography is expected as one of the promising descriptions of quantum general relativity. We present a model for a cosmological system involving two holographic screens and find that their equilibrium exactly yields a standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We discuss its cosmological implications by taking into account higher order quantum corrections and quantum nature of horizon evaporation. We will show that this model could give rise to a holographic inflation at high energy scales and realize a late-time acceleration in a unified approach. We test our model from the SN Ia observations and find it can give a nice fit to the data.我还没有时间仔细看这篇文章,但请允许我谈一下印象。
第三,我看不到inflation是怎么进来的,事实上,我和庞毅同学正在证明inflation的 no-go 定理。当然,如果你像Easson等人随便写一个加速项,也许no-go定理不存在。但随便一个加速项会出现Danielsson指出的类似问题。
2、On the Origin of Entropic Gravity and Inertia
文章的主要内容是用局域的Rindler horizon推导Verlinde的熵变假设以及惯性,我觉得是可信的,很有意思。
It is suggested that, using the equivalence principle, the quantum informational interpretation of gravity can explain Verlinde’s formalism of entropic gravity. The holographic screen in the formalism can be identified to be a Rindler horizon for accelerating observers in the opposite direction. It is also suggested that inertia is related to dragging the Rindler horizon.另有两篇有趣的文章,我就不评价了,有兴趣的人可以看看:
3、Black Hole Motion in Entropic Reformulation of General Relativity
We consider a system of black holes — a simplest substitute of a system of point particles in the mechanics of general relativity — and try to describe their motion with the help of entropic action: a sum of the areas of black hole horizons. We demonstrate that such description is indeed consistent with the Newton’s laws of motion and gravity, modulo numerical coefficients, which coincide but seem different from unity. Since a large part of the modern discussion of entropic reformulation of general relativity is actually based on dimensional considerations, for making a next step it is crucially important to modify the argument, so that these dimensionless parameters acquire correct values.4、Entanglement in holographic dark energy models
We study a process of equilibration of holographic dark energy (HDE) with the cosmic horizon around the dark-energy dominated epoch. This process is characterized by a huge amount of information conveyed across the horizon, filling thereby a large gap in entropy between the system on the brink of experiencing a sudden collapse to a black hole and the black hole itself. At the same time, even in the absence of interaction between dark matter and dark energy, such a process marks a strong jump in the entanglement entropy, measuring the quantum-mechanical correlations between the horizon and its interior. Although the effective quantum field theory (QFT) with a peculiar relationship between the UV and IR cutoffs, a framework underlying all HDE models, may formally account for such a huge shift in the number of distinct quantum states, we show that the scope of such a framework becomes tremendously restricted, devoiding it virtually any application in other cosmological epochs or particle-physics phenomena. The problem of negative entropies for the non-phantom stuff is also discussed.