We report results from a blind analysis of the nal data taken with the Cryogenic Dark MatterSearch experiment (CDMS II) at the Soudan Underground Laboratory, Minnesota, USA. A total
raw exposure of 612 kg-days was analyzed for this work. We observed two events in the signal region;
based on our background estimate, the probability of observing two or more background events is
23%. These data set an upper limit on the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP)-nucleon
elastic-scattering spin-independent cross-section of 7:0 × 10..44 cm 2 for a WIMP of mass 70 GeV/c2
at the 90% con dence level. Combining this result with all previous CDMS II data gives an upper
limit on the WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross-section of 3:8 × 10..44 cm 2 for a WIMP of mass
70 GeV/c2 . We also exclude new parameter space in recently proposed inelastic dark matter models.
文章:Results from the Final Exposure of the CDMS II Experiment
科学集体博客Cosmic Variance的JoAnne有个博文,是她和Risa参加一个CDMS学术报告的现场报道。CDMS同时在SLAC和Fermilab做报告。这篇博文中最有趣的一句话是” Rumors are spreading that at least 3 groups of theorists have papers ready to submit to the ArXiv after the seminars are concluded. The era of data has begun!”
博文的全文:Dark Matter Detected, or Not? Live Blogging the Seminar
Tommaso Dorigo在他的博文中说,虽然这些结果没有新物理,但说明LHC机器和研究人员都在完美的工作状态。
I was especially pleased to see that the effort of the small
group of physicists from Padova and Cyprus which my colleague
Franco and I have managed to put together has not been vain. We
have been working day and night in the last two weeks, in order to
produce an approved signal of the meson. The
is a electrically neutral hadron, composed of a
strange-antistrange quark pair. It is a very well-known particle;
it was discovered in the fifties and we know everything about it,
but it is worthwhile to search its decay: it is a very good
calibration line on which to test the detector performance, for a
couple of reasons.
Dorigo的全文:First LHC Results!