1、New variables for the Einstein theory of gravitation
俄国著名数学物理学家L. D. Faddeev曾经利用分解提出所谓的规范场的Faddeev变量。现在,他将这个工作推广到度规。
他的想法很简单,任何四维流形(Euclidean or Lorentzian
Ashtekar引入所谓Ashtekar变量导致loop quantum gravity,不知道Faddeev变量是否会导致一个新的理论。
最近看很多人看过的BBT,其中天才Sheldon是研究弦论的,而另一个天才Leslie是loop quantum gravity的拥趸。后来出现了一个北韩来的天才Kim,才14岁,已经看到了弦论有很多亚稳态真空,让Sheldon感到很失落。Kim是唯一可以和Sheldon以及Leslie抗衡的天才,不知道他对Faddeev的工作怎么看?
2、Holographic calculation of hadronic contributions to muon g-2
Using the gauge/gravity duality, we compute the leading order hadronic (HLO) contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon, amu(HLO). Holographic renormalization is used to obtain a finite vacuum polarization. We find3、Can the Arrow of Time be understood from Quantum Cosmology?in AdS/QCD with two light flavors, which is compared with the currently revised BABAR data estimated from e^+ e^- -> pi^+ pi^- events,
I address the question whether the origin of the observed arrow of time can be derived from quantum cosmology. After a general discussion of entropy in cosmology and some numerical estimates, I give a brief introduction into quantum geometrodynamics and argue that this may provide a sufficient framework for studying this question. I then show that a natural boundary condition of low initial entropy can be imposed on the universal wave function. The arrow of time is then correlated with the size of the Universe and emerges from an increasing amount of decoherence due to entanglement with unobserved degrees of freedom. Remarks are also made concerning the arrow of time in multiverse pictures and scenarios motivated by dark energy.