Comparison of dark energy models: A perspective from the latest observational data
该文发表在Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron。
文章用超新星数据,Sloan Digital Sky Survey的BAO数据以及WMAP7数据分析了9个暗能量模型。
Comparison Of Dark Energy Models
Comparison of dark energy models: A perspective from the latest observational data
Beijing, China (SPX) DeComparison of dark energy models: A perspective from the latest observational datac 06, 2010
Physicists at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Department of Physics at Northeastern University have made a comparison of a number of competing dark energy models.
They have tested and compared nine popular dark energy models using the latest observational data. The study is reported in Issue 9 (Volume 53) of Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy because of its significant research value.
Casimir Energy, Holographic Dark Energy and Electromagnetic Metamaterial Mimicking de Sitter
Wolfram Demonstrations Project觉得我们做的方向很新颖,邀请我们宣传了一下:
A New Kind of Casimir Energy and Its Implications for Dark Energy
We propose to use metamaterials to mimic de Sitter space. This
Demonstration represents the behavior of Casimir energy in a cavity
with size L and physical cut-off d . In this case the total Casimir
energy is proportional to . Notably, this would play a role of dark energy and
give a possible explanation of cosmic acceleration if d is
identified with the Plank scale. This result can be tested
We estimate the dominating frequencies contributing to the Casimir energy in a cavity of metamaterials mimicking de Sitter space by solving the eigenvalue problem for the Maxwell equations. It turns out that the dominating frequencies are the inverse of the size of the cavity, and the degeneracy of these frequencies also explains our previous result on the unusually large Casimir energy. Carrying out the experiment in the laboratory is possible theoretically.
The outer circle/sphere represents some kind of metamaterial of
dimension L. The distance between the outer and inner circle/sphere
represents the cut-off, denoted as d. The typical frequency of the
energy inside the metamaterials is proportional to 1/L(represented
by the wave inside the circle/sphere). The total energy
(represented by the red column) is proportional to .