财新传媒 财新传媒


1、Aging and Holography




虽然值得怀疑,我觉得文章应该得到应有的注意。作者之一是Djordje Minic。


Aging phenomena are examples of `non-equilibrium criticality’ and can be exemplified by systems with Galilean and scaling symmetries but no time translation invariance. We realize aging holographically using a deformation of a non-relativistic version of gauge/gravity duality. Correlation functions of scalar operators are computed using holographic real-time techniques, and agree with field theory expectations. At least in this setup, general aging phenomena are reproduced holographically by complexifying the bulk space-time geometry, even in Lorentzian signature.
2、Remarks on Gauge Invariance and First-Class Constraints


这篇文章复述作者们以前的一个工作,献给A. A. Slavnov七十寿辰的。他们证明,如果我们想改变Einstein理论,仅保留空间重新参数化不变性,得到的理论通常是不自洽的,因为Hamiltonian约束是第二类的,要求lapse函数N=0,当然非物理。


Gauge symmetries lead to first-class constraints. This assertion is of course true only for non trivial gauge symmetries, i.e., gauge symmetries that act non trivially on-shell on the dynamical variables. We illustrate this well-appreciated fact for time reparametrization invariance in the context of modifications of gravity -suggested in a recent proposal by Horava-in which the Hamiltonian constraint is deformed by arbitrary spatial diffeomorphism invariant terms, where some subtleties are found to arise.
3、Note About Hamiltonian Formalism of Healthy Extended Horava-Lifshitz Gravity




In this paper we continue the study of the Hamiltonian formalism of the healthy extended Horava-Lifshitz gravity. We find the constraint structure of given theory and argue that this is the theory with the second class constraints. Then we discuss physical consequence of this result. We also apply the Batalin-Tyutin formalism of the conversion of the system with the second class constraints to the system with the first class constraints to the case of the healthy extended Horava-Lifshitz theory. As a result we find new theory of gravity with structure that is different from the standard formulation of Horava-Lifshitz gravity or General Relativity.
4、Emergent Horizons in the Laboratory




The concept of a horizon known from general relativity describes the loss of causal connection and can be applied to non-gravitational scenarios such as out-of-equilibrium condensed-matter systems in the laboratory. This analogy facilitates the identification and theoretical study (e.g., regarding the trans-Planckian problem) and possibly the experimental verification of “exotic” effects known from gravity and cosmology, such as Hawking radiation. Furthermore, it yields a unified description and better understanding of non-equilibrium phenomena in condensed matter systems and their universal features. By means of several examples including general fluid flows, expanding Bose-Einstein condensates, and dynamical quantum phase transitions, the concepts of event, particle, and apparent horizons will be discussed together with the resulting quantum effects.





341篇文章 6年前更新

男,1962年10月出生。中山大学天文与空间科学研究院院长,研究方向包括超弦理论、量子引力等。 1982年毕业于北京大学物理系,1984年在中国科技大学获理学硕士学位,1988年在该校获博士学位。1989年赴丹麦哥本哈根大学波尔研究所学习,1990年获哲学博士学位。1990年起先后在美Santa Barbara加州大学、布朗大学任研究助理、助理教授,1996年在芝加哥大学费米研究所任高级研究员。
