财新传媒 财新传媒


1、昨天,Clay Mathematics Institute宣布将Millennium Prize奖给俄罗斯数学家Grigoriy Perelman。之前,Perelman因解决Poincare conjecture获得2006年度菲尔兹奖,但被他拒绝了。他也拒绝过欧洲数学会的奖。





Grigori Perelman was born into a Jewish family in Leningrad, USSR (now Saint Petersburg, Russia) on 13 June 1966. His early mathematical education occurred at the Leningrad Secondary School #239, a specialized school with advanced mathematics and physics programs. In 1982, as a member of the USSR team competing in the International Mathematical Olympiad, an international competition for high school students, he won a gold medal, achieving a perfect score. In the late 1980s, Perelman went on to earn a Candidate of Science degree (the Soviet equivalent to the Ph.D.) at the Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of the Leningrad State University, one of the leading universities in the former Soviet Union. His dissertation was titled “Saddle surfaces in Euclidean spaces.”

After graduation, Perelman began work at the renowned Leningrad Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where his advisors were Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov and Yuri Dmitrievich Burago. In the late ’80s and early ’90s, Perelman held posts at several universities in the United States. In 1992, he was invited to spend a semester each at the Courant Institute in New York University and State University of New York at Stony Brook. From there, he accepted a two-year Miller Research Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley in 1993. He was offered jobs at several top universities in the US, including Princeton and Stanford, but he rejected them all and returned to the Steklov Institute in the summer of 1995.

He has a younger sister, Elena, who is also a mathematician. She received a Ph.D. from Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and is a biostatistician at Karolinska Institutet, in Stockholm, Sweden.

Perelman is a talented violinist and is also a strong table tennis player.






341篇文章 6年前更新

男,1962年10月出生。中山大学天文与空间科学研究院院长,研究方向包括超弦理论、量子引力等。 1982年毕业于北京大学物理系,1984年在中国科技大学获理学硕士学位,1988年在该校获博士学位。1989年赴丹麦哥本哈根大学波尔研究所学习,1990年获哲学博士学位。1990年起先后在美Santa Barbara加州大学、布朗大学任研究助理、助理教授,1996年在芝加哥大学费米研究所任高级研究员。
